Describe your business to our readers
We run a 5* award winning home dog boarding business in West Malling.
Do you have your own dog(s)?
One resident dog called Doug who is a pug and nearly 2 years old.
How do you start your day?
A typical day starts at about half six seven, I get up, the first thing I do is let the dogs out, let them do their business while I do their breakfast.
How does a typical business day look for you?
A typical business day for me after doing the dogs breakfast, they come in one by one and they eat their breakfast separately. We usually do our long walk in the morning, about an hour, hour and a half, usually go out about quarter to nine, nine o'clock, come home, if I need to pop out for any reason, that's when I do it so all the dogs are knackered and have a little sleep. Lunchtime we do enrichment activities, garden play, depending on the weather. In the afternoon, when the kids come home they play with the dogs. We usually feed them between 5 and 6 then when we have our dinner they have a little enrichment game to do to keep them occupied.
How do you finish your day?
Cuddles on the sofa, watching telly, chilling in the front of the Christmas tree. I let them out about 10 o'clock and then I put them all to bed.
What do you most love about running your own business?
The thing I love the most about running my own business is I can work my own diary and work around family life and this is why I started this when I had my little one who is now 2 and a half and I'm here for him when he needs me.
And your least favourite thing?
The hardest thing for me, should be poo pickup but I don't mind that! It's if a dog doesn't work out for any reason through no fault of its own. I obviously can't have the dog back as we have to take other dogs into consideration who are boarding and also we've got children in the house so if a dog is unsettled then the family is unsettled. The hardest thing for me is to tell the owners that the dog hasn't worked out because I feel bad for everyone involved. It's hard for me because we haven't got the right setting for it and hard for the owner.
What would you like to say to dog owners reading this?
Merry Christmas from all of us at The Pawfect Pad!
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