A Day in the Life of InvictaDogs Training and Behaviour Ashford

A Day in the Life of InvictaDogs Training and Behaviour Ashford

Published 28/11/2024

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Describe your business to our readers

As an ex zoo trainer, I have been also training dogs for 10 years. My passions are Gundog and Scentwork ( detection, tracking & trailing) and am an Instructor for the College of Scent dogs (teaching other trainers how to teach pet dog owners). I work on a 121 basis, as well as offering group classes for obedience, puppy training, and dog sports.

Do you have your own dog(s)?

I grew up with multiple dogs at home- mainly Weimaraners that we bred showed and worked, but also had Labrador's and spaniels. I always loved Rottweilers, so as soon as I could as an adult, I got my first Rottie, Darwin, who's just had his 9th birthday. Yes named after THE Charles Darwin (I studied zoology at uni). Although Darwin is a fantastic gundog and really enjoys the sport, I did want to go back to my gundog roots and so in 2023 along came Watson (also scientist name), my German short haired pointer. The boys get on like a house on fire which is lovely to see!

How do you start your day?

I'm very lucky as both my dogs love a lie in so don't get me up at silly o'clock. Once they do get up, breakfast is the priority, and quite often they then join me on the sofa for a mid morning nap whilst I sort emails! Very lazy dogs!

How does a typical business day look for you?

I try to limit business hours so I get time to work and enjoy my own dogs. So my first clients of the day are normally 10 or 11am and I average 2-3 clients a day. I then have reports and training plans that I write outside of sessions, so it's important I limit to make sure the written reports or homework that clients get sent outside of sessions isn't rushed and is tailored to them.

How do you finish your day?

Sometimes a dog walk or training with each of my dogs or both together - I don't like to stick to a rigid routine. And then a chilled evening on the sofa!

What do you most love about running your own business?

Hands down I love helping people build better relationships and communication with their dogs, and seeing them be successfu!

And your least favourite thing?

It is very demanding. Although owning your own business you can be flexible and work around what suits you, in reality it can become all consuming. Setting boundaries and having time off (and sticking to it) can be hard to factor in. Also, taxes!

What would you like to say to dog owners reading this?

Do your research. The Training and behaviour industry is not regulated, so there is nothing stopping your next door neighbour turning around and calling themselves a dog training )behaviourist. This obviously leads it wide open for dodgy techniques, a lack of knowledge and even some trainers taking advantage of naive dog owners.

Decent, educated and competent dog trainers will take their time to explain to you their methods and the reasons behind. Ask lots of questions.

This also is my advice when purchasing/rescuing a dog. Do your breed research. Be prepared to provide outlets for what your dog was bred for. Invest in your dog! Training is forever, NOT just a 6 week long puppy course. Continuing with training, be that obedience or dog sports throughout your dogs life is probably one of the best things you can do for them. Not only does it provide an outlet for those genetically driven behaviours, but also it will do your relationship with your dog the world of good!

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